Frequency medicine is the future
of medicine.
Everything in life is based on Frequency.
Listen to this TED talk first:
This means that every cell, organ, muscle, part, area, and or place has a specific frequency.
In a sick or unbalanced body, the frequency of the parts is changed and therefore presents a
problem. This can of course be treated and healed.
Dr. Raymon Rife
This method was discovered by Dr Raymon Rife already in 1930
Now this has inspired many inventors from around the globe to build systems and
machines to treat and heal people. Today millions of people are getting treated with this
Rife system every day.
The medical establishment
The medical establishment is still mostly blind to frequency medicine as an alternative
solution for curing a human being. The need for education and real clinical studies is as
I see is enormous.
Doctors and others have questions and want to see this in action conducted by seriously
educated doctors or practitioners. They want to see real results.
I see that we can easily make 200.000 USD in profit educating students and treating clients
every year.
The solution
I want to set up a Trust for research, development, treatments, and education to be able to
present a meeting forum and IT platform for this to happen.
I want to educate the medical establishment about many amazing theories, methods, programs,
and systems that are already creating great results around the globe.
I realize this is an ambitious but exciting project and a needed one as I see it.
I am not a financial manager person but after more than 40 years in the energy medicine field,
I see what's coming and see the need for long-lasting healing.
My estimation of the money needed to start this project is 5 million USD.
Interested contact me directly.
Interesting frequency systems and vendors
There are many super-effective small and big systems developed around the globe.
I will list the ones I know about here.
Small frequency systems
Larger frequency systems
My background.
I started with a friend the first 3-year part-time acupuncture school here in Sweden in 1981.
We had many students already in the first year. And we made a profit during 6 years.
Among these students there were 5 MDs 12 nurses and of course chiropractors and many others.
However, due to several “complicated” factors, the school went bankrupt in 1988.
The school is still working but owned by others.
I have been working with acupuncture part-time for many years. But mainly as an
IT Teacher to make a better income.
Today I am retired and engage mostly in coaching and psychotherapy.
Copyright Vision and Idea.
Martin Måsviken
Mobile: +46723417140
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