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tisdag 6 augusti 2024

Vi behöver ett känslospråk

Att - föstå sina kännslor, eller inte!

Allt för många svenskar saknar ett "språk" för känslorna.

Det Svenska kynnet är alldeles för lydigt.

Vi är alldeles för tappra och står ut med alldeles för mycket alldeles för länge.
Detta styrs av en traumatiks minnen och ofta överdriven auktoritets tro och tillit.

När det står i tidningen eller sägs på TV så är det nog sant. Det är andras sanning inte ens egen.

Vi tror att vi behöver hjälpa allt o alla. Men lyssnar inte på oss själva.

Jag möter ofta i min terapeutiska verksamhet klienter som har mycket svårt att säga nej, detta verkar vara en enorm utmaning.
Folk säger ja till att ta på sig ansvar på jobbet i hemmet i relationen och i livet.
Alla vill få beröm och bli godkända för sin uppställning. 

Men detta leder inte djupare trillfredställelse.

Svensken bär skuld o skamkänslor sen urminnes tider verkar det som.

Vi har alla mer eller mindre traumatiska minnen från barndomen som styr oss i vardagen.

Dessa minnen behöver vi titta på, prata om, relatera till och möta i varje nu.

Men de flesta saknar medvetenhet om att detta sker och har ingen kunskap om hur man kan agera för att lätta på trycket.

Det behövs ett språk för känslorna – ett känslospråk som talar och gestaltar de egna känslorna och behoven varje dag.

Att äntligen få plats att utveckla detta kännslospråk är enormt befriande.

Ge dig själv denna utveckling och kliv in på en annan mer harmonisk väg från och med nu.



Session 1 tim kostar för företag 2500 kr + moms
för privatpersoner kostar det 850 kr

Eller om du vill ha tillgång till mig för djupare trauma/beroende arbete alla dagar mellan kl 10-20 så kostar det 45000 kr + moms fakturerat i förskott per månad.

Martin Måsviken

Acceptance Commitment Therapy
ACT & IFS Samtal.

Kostar 850 kr för 1 tim
Betala med kort till

eller Swish till: 0723417140

Mottagning Stockholm
Martin Måsviken

Tidbokning: 0723417140

email: mmasviken@gmail.com

tisdag 16 april 2024

Hur fungerar IFS Terapi på tex beroenden

What is Internal Family Systems?

Transformative psychotherapy… and empowering paradigm.

IFS is a transformative tool that conceives of every human being as a system of protective and wounded inner parts led by a core Self. We believe the mind is naturally multiple and that is a good thing. Just like members of a family, inner parts are forced from their valuable states into extreme roles within us. Self is in everyone. It can’t be damaged. It knows how to heal. 

IFS is frequently used as an evidence-based psychotherapy, helping people heal by accessing and healing their protective and wounded inner parts. IFS creates inner and outer connectedness by helping people first access their Self and, from that core, come to understand and heal their parts.  

But IFS is much more than a non-pathologizing evidence-based psychotherapy to be used in a clinical setting. It is also a way of understanding personal and intimate relationships and stepping into life with the 8 Cs: confidence, calm, compassion, courage, creativity, clarity, curiosity, and connectedness. Professionals from many different backgrounds such as, but not limited to, body workers, legal mediation, school administration, life coaches, and religious leaders may utilize IFS to inform and guide their work. Our growing list of educational programs aims to serve not only therapists but the wider public and other professions. 

IFS terapi, en annan evidensbaserad terapimetod.
IFS finns med i amerikanska NREPP (National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices) och är en Ego-state-metod som bl a arbetar med aktiv mindfulness, affektreglering och självmedkänsla.
Founders website: https://ifs-institute.com/



 Amazon webshop: https://amzn.to/4aSPmD2


Internal Family Systems Will Change Your Life (And Relationship) w/ Dick Schwartz

Complete IFS Session

How To Become Self Led With Internal Family Systems | Internal Family Systems

Learn IFS dynamic therapy, The Others Within Us, Porosity of Mind

Using IFS to Clear Foreign Energies with Robert Falconer

The Question Your Protector NEEDS To Hear || Internal Family Systems Therapy

Founders website: https://ifs-institute.com/ 


onsdag 21 februari 2024

The Art of Focus: Find Meaning, Reinvent Yourself and Create Your Ideal Future

 Author: Dan Koe

The Art of Focus: Find Meaning, Reinvent Yourself and Create Your Ideal Future


The Art of Focus: Find Meaning, Reinvent Yourself and Create Your Ideal Future 

We are on the brink of catastrophe.

A dystopia of excessive pleasure, comfort, and a false sense of security as to how successful you will be is no longer just a relatable movie scene.

Since birth, you were spoon-fed ideas, beliefs, and routines that program you into the same default path as everyone else. This leads to the same quality of life as everyone else.

It’s no wonder why most people feel anxious, overwhelmed, and have a cloud of meaninglessness hovering over their heads at all times.

Focus is the cure.

But not the narrow focus we associate with deep work and study.

Focus is what separates action from distraction, meaning from meaningless, and success from failure.

Focus is how you conduct your own adventure to stop hurling toward the dead end that was assigned to you by society for their benefit.

This will be a painful journey to find meaning, reinvent yourself, and create your ideal future.

The only thing more painful than seeing what you are capable of is not seeing what you are capable of, and I can’t think of anything more worthwhile to dedicate your life to.

onsdag 16 november 2022

Mood regulator - Calm the chaos within you

Calm the chaos within you

Our proprietary blend of ingredients is meant to improve brain cell performance and aid in the production of key chemicals that naturally regulate your mood. This helps you reach a state of increased calmness and less stress on your mind—both at a cellular and emotional level. You’ll also see improved sleep and an overall reduction in tiredness as a result, further improving how you feel. 

- Helps to promote a feeling of calmness.*

- Helps your brain and body to move into a lower gear.*

- Helps regulate GABA receptors in the central nervous system to balance redox states.*

- Assists in the protein production of important mood-regulating hormones.*

- Supports the production of important neurotransmitters to uplift mood.*

Independent research⁺ has shown that people who use REDOXMood get results.

- 81% experienced more relaxation

- 80% of participant experienced improved mood

- 77% of felt REDOXMood helped them stay cool and calm

⁺Based on a three-week consumer testing study conducted by Kantar Group 2022.

Let's talk about ASEA's new product REDOXMood!

DID YOU KNOW that this product addresses one of the most common needs in our modern society?

Experience an uplifted mood and relief from anxiety and overwhelm with the help of something that is healthy for you! You'll experience immediate results.

DID YOU KNOW that many companies use sprinklings of lots of ingredients in ineffective doses in order to make their label look good?

Instead, ASEA carefully crafts our formulas with a smaller selection of the most well-researched and scientifically-proven ingredients using the doses that were used in studies showing their powerfully beneficial results.

Here are just a few of the key ingredients in REDOXMood, used in the EFFECTIVE DOSES that are fully backed by science:

*Saffron, supports reduced stress and better sleep. So far, this super-star ingredient is the most expensive ingredient we have ever used. ($2,800 for 2.2 lbs.)

*Ashwagandha and Rhodiola Rosea, both proven to help regulate stress hormones and mood as well as provide many other benefits.

*GABA, a chemical messenger in the brain that helps us feel good.

DID YOU KNOW that the packets (30 per box) are to be added to 8 oz. (or however much you like) of water or beverage and are most effective when consumed within 15 minutes? Delicious! No fillers, nothing artificial, and sweetened with stevia.

WHO DO YOU KNOW that could benefit from REDOX Mood? Great for both occasional and prolonged use!

Powered by Redox blends

GABA - Enhances  neurotransmitter levels that help regulate mood, reduces oxidative stress in the central nervous system, and improves redox balance. 

L-Tyrosine - Supports elevated expression of redox enzymes to help regulate mood.

Supporting Mood Blend

Rhodiola Rosea and Ashwagandha - Helps your body regulate stress hormones to create a feeling of relaxation. 

Saffron - Supports fighting stress for better sleep, leading to improved overall mood.

B Vitamins and natural herbs - Helps regulate your stress hormones to improve relaxation.



onsdag 26 oktober 2022

Utbrändhet drabbar allt för många.

Utbrändhet drabbar allt för många.

Hur hanteras detta av skolmedicin idag ? kan man agera på något annat mera psykodynamiskt sätt?

Hur vill du bli bemött med det som berör just dig, det som känns viktigt för dig?

När man nu gått in i den “så berömda väggen” hur vänder man detta, det som tog så lång tid att utveckla? Hur ser vägen tillbaka till hälsa ut.

Jag har jobbat med många utbrända med ibland allvarliga symtom som tex långvariga sömnproblem, hjärtstörningar, matsmältningsproblem, svag libido, relationsproblem och annat som tyvärr utvecklas om man inte gör något åt detta.

Känner du igen det här? Låt oss träffas så får jag fördjupa hur jag jobbar och vad jag kan göra för dig.


Utbrändheten pågår hela tiden och behöver hanteras konkret på ett holistiskt sätt.
Ett sätt som tar in alla aspekter av ditt liv.

Jag jobbar holistiskt med både kropp, psyke och själ.
Kan vara en teckning av text
Nya strategier

Jag jobbar brett och djupt med samtal och friskvård i form av effektiva naturmediciner, akupunktur, body code, hypnos och ACT samtal.

Vi lägger upp en strategi tillsamman som siktar på att du om 8-12 månader kan börja känna igen ditt gamla jag.

Vi behöver träffas 2-3 ggr/ vecka för några tim per gång.
Vi kan träffas över video eller live i en lämplig lokal i Stockholmsområdet som vi båda kan enas om känns bra.
Session kostar för företag 2500 kr + moms
för privatpersoner kostar det 850 kr

Eller om du vill ha tillgång till mig alla dagar mellan kl 10-20 så kostar det 45000 kr + moms fakturerat i förskott per månad.


tisdag 4 oktober 2022

Microdose Mushrooms for mental clarity.


The Perfect Microdose

You know what makes the mundane more magical?


A few years ago mycologist Paul Stamets popularized a microdosing "stack".
This stack consists of Lion's Mane Mushroom, niacin and a sub perceptual amount of
psilocybin (100-250mg).

The working theory is that this combination stimulates neurogenesis and may have many other health benefits.

Inspired by Paul's work and the emerging science, a formula was created.
The result is
Omni Functional Nootropic.
This blend is made specifically for cognitive support and brain health.
It is a powerful stand alone nutraceutical or the perfect companion for a microdosing regimen.

If you want to stay sharp and focused.
If you have a family history of alzheimer's, dementia or other neurodegenerative diseases.
If you are interested in starting a microdosing protocol.
If you value your mental health and want to support it with clean, organic and all natural ingredients.
If any of this rings true for you,
Omni was crafted with you in mind.




Vi behöver ett känslospråk

Att - föstå sina kännslor, eller inte! Allt för många svenskar saknar ett "språk" för känslorna. Det Svenska kynnet är alldeles f...